Correct as of 13th May 2024

£m, unless otherwise stated 2024 2025 2026
Average Low High Average Average
Revenue 11818 11426 12095 12328 12850
Adjusted operating profit 665 659 671 709 747
Adjusted net interest (151) (155) (147) (138) (124)
Adjusted PBT 515 509 521 572 624
Adjusted tax (141) (147) (129) (158) (173)
Adjusted net profit (post minorities) 359 351 371 399 435
Adjusted basic EPS (p) 87.2 85.2 90.1 96.7 105.5
DPS (p) 34.7 32.5 37.0 38.8 42.4

By accessing this document, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. The information contained in this document is for information purposes only. It does not represent, nor is it based on, the opinions, estimates or forecasts of Inchcape plc (“Inchcape”), or any of its directors or employees. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts made in the analysts’ reports used to compile this document are theirs alone and are not reported, endorsed or reviewed by the Inchcape. Inchcape has not verified or commented on any individual forecasts, nor does it intend to do so in the future.

2. The information contained in this document is by definition forward looking and is therefore subject to various risks and uncertainties which are subject to change at any time and may materially affect actual results or performance.

3. The information contained in this document provides the average forecasts of the ten analysts that cover Inchcape, being:

Peel Hunt, Andrew Nussey – 05/03/2024
Jefferies, James Wheatcroft – 06/03/2024
Liberum, Sanjay Vidyarthi – 06/03/2024
HSBC, Paul Rossington – 06/03/2024
Barclays, James Zaremba – 07/03/2024
Deutsche Numis, David Brockton – 12/03/2024
Berenberg, James Bayliss – 13/03/2024
BNP Paribas, Andrew Grobler – 14/03/2024
JPM, Akshat Kacker – 04/04/2024
Citi, Arthur Truslove – 25/04/2024

Please note that some analysts may assume that Inchcape will conduct a share buyback programme when producing their individual forecasts.

4. The figures contained in the table above are a simple arithmetic average of the most recent forecasts that have been provided to Inchcape by registered investment analysts. The figures do not give greater weight to more recent forecasts or to the forecasts of any individual analyst.

5. Although Inchcape intends to update the information contained in this document periodically, no obligation is assumed to update or revise such information to reflect circumstances existing after the date of this document. As such, this document may reflect forecasts that were published prior to a significant event, including meaningful foreign exchange rate movements.

6. Inchcape is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and cannot offer investment advice. This document is not intended to, nor does it, constitute investment advice or any solicitation or recommendation to buy, hold or sell securities or other financial instruments or to take any other action or place any reliance on this document.

7. None of Inchcape, any of its subsidiary undertakings or any of their directors, officers or employees accepts any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this document and therefore accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any reliance or actions taken or not taken based on any of the information in this document.